Chair of the newly launched CBTU-UK Roger Mckenzie (Assistant General Secretary of UNISON) said “this new organisation will work to fulfil the dream of those Black trade unionists, both living and deceased, who have courageously and unremittingly struggled to achieve economic, political and social justice for all’.
The inaugural meeting adopted a constitution and elected the following officers (in a personal capacity) to ensure the strategic development of the role and function of CBTU(UK):
- Chair: Roger McKenzie (Assistant General Secretary, UNISON)
- Deputy Chair: Gargi Bhattacharia (UCU activist) Secretary:
- Wilf Sullivan (Race Equality Officer, TUC)
- Treasurer: Harish Patel ( Regional Official, UNITE) .
CBTU(UK) is a membership-based organisation and will disseminate news of activities and promote events via the Race Matters blog Membership is open to any black trade unionist (including NUS members) on a subscription basis. Funds raised will be used to support educational, promotional and campaigning activity. CBTU(UK) looks forward to a period of significant growth and will be undertaking promotional and educational activity during 2011-12 to achieve this. Anyone interested in joining the CBTU(UK) should e-mail